Open data

This website contains open data published by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH). The material is in a machine-readable format, and is free of charge and freely available. The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license and the Public Administration Recommendations (JHS recommendations) are applied to the material. When service providers reuse or further process the data, they are not allowed to use the PRH or Business Information System (BIS) logos in their services, or in some other manner mix up their services with the original, official source of information by using a similar layout.

You can access the data over HTTP, and Javascript Object Notation (JSON) is used for transmitting the data. You can carry out a maximum of 300 searches within one minute - the capacity is shared between users. Through the service interface, you can search for large amounts of data with a single search by using various kinds of parameters, without needing to carry out several separate searches.

Please note that if you are just an occasional user, it is easier to make searches using the Finnish Trade Register's published entries search or the BIS Search than using this service.

Data from the Finnish Trade Register's public notices

Public notices contain business details listed on the register on a certain day - new businesses or companies registered, for example - or information about new businesses or companies registered in a certain municipality in Finland. Changes in businesses or companies are also published through public notices, for instance if the board of directors has changed. You also get access to the headings of the register entries, such as board of directors, place of registered office, or increase of share capital.

Data content

Our open data interface provides data from public notices of registrations made at the Finnish Trade Register (Finnish business register) starting from 7 November 2014. No details will be shown of businesses or companies that were dissolved before 29 August 2014. Data are available about the following company or business types:

  • limited liability companies, public limited companies, housing companies, co-operatives, insurance companies, or public insurance companies.

Data content of public notices:

  • Business IDs of companies, dates of registration of companies, company names, parallel company names, auxiliary company names, company forms, company situations through BIS interface (bankruptcy, liquidation or restructuring proceedings), places of registered office of companies, address and contact details (postal address and/or street address; and the following contact details if given by parties liable to register: telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number, or web address), and the latest date and time of registration, and
  • the headings of register entries; such as board of directors, place of registered office, or increase of share capital; and the date of registration.

The data are updated once a day, and you can retrieve public notices of registrations made the day before.

You can use a Business ID as a search term, or you can restrict your search by type of notification, place of registered office, or the date and time of registration.

Data from Finnish Business Information System (BIS)

Our open data interface provides data from the Finnish Business Information System (BIS) maintained by the PRH and the Finnish Tax Administration. Data are available about the following company or business types: limited liability companies, public limited companies, housing companies, co-operatives, insurance companies, or public insurance companies. In addition to basic details of businesses or companies registered at the Finnish Trade Register, the service also provides information on other registers they have been added to: the Prepayment Register, the Employer Register, the VAT Register, the register of bodies liable for tax on insurance premiums, and the Client Register of the Tax Administration.

The BIS Search also provides information on entities which are not registered at the Finnish Trade Register, such as municipalities or Government agencies in Finland.

Data content

The following identification details and basic details are entered into the Finnish Business Information System (BIS):

  • Business Identity Codes (Business IDs)
  • company names, parallel company names, auxiliary company names
  • places of registered office (home municipalities), or municipalities where the companies are managed
  • postal addresses and/or street addresses; and the following contact details if submitted by parties liable to register: telephone number, mobile phone number, fax number, or web address
  • main lines of business
  • language of the companies (Finnish or Swedish)
  • company forms
  • whether the entities have been entered into the following registers:
    • Finnish Trade Register (Finnish business register)
    • VAT Register (including the reason for registration)
    • Employer Register
    • Prepayment Register
    • whether the entities have been registered as a body liable for tax on insurance premiums, or as some other entity liable to pay tax
  • information on interruption or closing down of business
  • information on legal operating capacity (bankruptcy, liquidation or restructuring).

The data is updated once a day, and you can retrieve BIS data updated the day before.

Data are only available about existing businesses and organisations. You can search for one company or business at a time by using a Business ID as a search term. You can also restrict your search by date of registration to retrieve new Business IDs given the day before, for instance, or by the first part (prefix) of a company name to retrieve companies or other entities starting, for example, with 'Plumb'. You can also restrict your search by the total number of search results or by using other search criteria.